Adoption and Foster Care
When you're ready to adopt a new family member, visit Tri-City Animal Shelter located at 1150 E. Pleasant Run Road in Cedar Hill.
You can also check out the profiles of adoptable animals online at PetFinder.
Shelter Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10AM-6PM. Sunday & Monday closed.

Adopt your new best friend today!
Your furry companion is waiting for you right now at the Tri-City Animal Shelter
Foster Care
Foster care continues to be one of the most critical needs of Tri-City Animal Shelter. Open your home to a foster pet and save a life.
Who needs foster care?
Moms with their litter of puppies or kittens
Orphaned puppies and kittens that are still too young for adoption
Sick or injured animals that need a little extra TLC
Animals with a contagious disease that need to be isolated from other animals
Adoptable dogs and cats that just aren't thriving in the shelter environment and would have a better chance of adoption while staying in a home