We could not do our work without thousands of volunteer hours given each year. If you're ready to get involved, please contact us.
Volunteering with the Friends
Serve on the Board of Directors
Serve on an event planning committee
Assistance with grant writing, public relations, bookkeeping or other professional services
Management of social media platforms
Volunteering at Tri-City Animal Shelter
Front Desk Support (phones, greeters, etc.)
Socializing & Exercising Animals
Offsite Adoption & Education Events
Transport of Animals
Foster Care
Experienced Veterinary Technician Support
To learn more about volunteering with the Friends, please contact us at director@tricityfriends.org.
To learn more about volunteering at the shelter or to sign-up for the next volunteer orientation, please contact Tri-City Animal Shelter directly at 972-291-5335 and sign up here: Volunteer Application Form
1150 E. Pleasant Run Rd.
Cedar Hill, TX 75104