He’ll Take Manhattan (or Brooklyn)

Tri-City Tales Issue No. 24

No one at Tri-City Animal Shelter knows what Arlo’s life was like before he was picked up off the streets of Cedar Hill. A terrier mix, his white hair was dirty and matted, and so long his eyes were barely visible. Once he came to Tri-City, he never stopped trembling. If someone so much as spoke to him, he would pee on himself out of fright. He had to be coaxed and soothed to come out of his kennel even long enough for his vaccinations.

The shelter staff knew Arlo needed to be somewhere quieter and less stressful, so they reached out to a rescue group called Hearts and Bones, where dogs live with foster families. Living in homes allows dogs to relax and come into their own, so they can show their true personalities to potential owners. This year, Hearts and Bones has helped about 50 Tri-City dogs. Within days, Arlo was on a transport to New York City. (Funding transports is part of the Friends of Tri-City Animal Shelter’s mission.)

About that time, Audrey Warner was looking for a dog for she and her partner. She came across the Hearts and Bones website. Audrey had grown up with a terrier, and was hoping for similar kind of dog. As she scrolled through the website, she saw Arlo’s picture, shagginess and all. “I said, ‘Oh my gosh. That’s our dog.’”

She sent a message and asked if he was still available. She heard back the next day. He was. But Hearts and Bones is a volunteer network with no building to visit; dogs are introduced through adoption pop-ups. So Arlo stayed with his foster mom for another two weeks, until the next scheduled adoption event in Manhattan.

Since that day, he’s lived in a Brooklyn flat. And he’s had a haircut. He’s taken to life in the big city, where he even has his own Instagram account. (Follow Arlo at @arlorescuepup) He recently went on his first camping trip and slept in a tent, content to cuddle with his people. “He’s such a loving dog,” Audrey says. “A really a happy little guy. We can’t believe he was a stray three months ago.” And probably, neither can he. 

