Boom and Bust

Tri-City Tales Issue No. 21

He was a German shepherd named Zeus, a big fellow, charging full blast down Red Bird Lane when an animal control officer spotted him on July 5. He was trembling, but friendly when he arrived at Tri-City Animal Shelter. And he had lots of company when he got there. The Day After Fireworks is the shelter’s busiest day of the year. 

On the weekend before July 4 last year, the shelter housed 77 dogs. By the following weekend, they had to somehow find space for 194. One of them was Zeus, who took off like a Roman candle when the neighbors started their own fireworks show.  

The shelter staff were relieved to find that Zeus was microchipped. But elation turned to disappointment when they learned that the information linked to the chip was for a previous owner. Zeus had been rehomed four years earlier, and the information wasn’t updated. So they posted his picture, along with dozens of other post-fireworks dogs, on their website and hoped his family would see.

To keep your dog from bolting off on the upcoming holiday, shelter experts have the following suggestions:

  • If possible, keep your dog inside during the fireworks with the curtains drawn. Tri-City will loan out crates, Thundershirts (also called snug jackets) and calming collars at no charge while they have a supply. The jackets can be combined with calming chews, many of which are available over the counter. 

  • Try to mask the noise of fireworks with music and fans.

  •  Ask your veterinarian about medications such as clomipramine or fluoxetine that can help ease anxiety and noise aversion. These require advanced planning —some of these medications take a couple of weeks to reach therapeutic levels in the dog’s bloodstream. 

  • If it is within your budget, consider boarding your dog for the night to keep them safe.

Luckily, Zeus’s owner was constantly refreshing the shelter website for his lost companion. When he spotted the photo of his dog, he immediately called the after-hours number for the shelter. He came in the next day and showed them photos of he and Zeus.

He was grateful to be reunited with Zeus and find him safe – an ending worthy of celebration. Just not with fireworks.


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